Yeast Infection Sores and Blisters: Causes, Treatment & More

A common query we get from our patients about yeast infection is “Does a yeast infection cause sores or blisters? “

The short answer is yes, it can. However, sores and blisters aren’t direct symptoms of a yeast infection. Other common yeast infection symptoms such as itching, redness, or swelling around the vulva and vagina can lead to sores and blisters due to excessive itching or scratching in the affected area.

Untreated yeast infections increase the risk of developing sores and blisters due to prolonged irritation and inflammation.

It is also important to note that yeast infection sores and blisters aren’t common symptoms and may be a sign of a more serious underlying condition such as sexually transmitted diseases.

Key takeaways:

  • Common symptoms of yeast infections include itching, soreness, redness, and swelling around the vulva and vagina.
  • Yeast infections can indirectly cause sores and blisters due to excessive itching or scratching.
  • Untreated yeast infections can increase the risk of developing sores and blisters.
  • Sores are not a common symptom of yeast infections.
  • Sores and blisters may also be a sign of a more serious underlying condition such as sexually transmitted diseases.
  • You should talk to a doctor if you experience any unusual symptoms or have concerns about your yeast infection treatment. Your doctor can help diagnose and treat the underlying cause of your symptoms.

In the following guide, we’ll explain everything you need to know about yeast infection sores. Continue reading to learn more!

Table of Contents

What Is a Yeast Infection?

A yeast infection is a type of vaginal infection that involves yeast within the vagina. All vaginas contain yeast, which is a type of fungus. In the vagina, you will have candida – along with lots of other bacteria. Usually, there’s a good balance between vaginal bacteria and yeast, so you experience no issues. 

However, when there’s an overpopulation and development of candida, you can develop vaginal candidiasis – a yeast infection. According to recent data, yeast infections are the second most common type of vaginal infection in the US, behind bacterial vaginal infections. Moreover, information from 2018 suggests that 1.4 million outpatient visits occur every year for people with yeast infections. 

All yeast infections are caused by excessive yeast in the vagina, but what can cause this? A variety of risk factors exist, such as 

  • Elevated estrogen levels
  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • A poor immune system
  • Excessive stress
  • Antibiotics 

It has also been discovered that douching – a technique to ‘clean’ the vagina – is strongly associated with yeast infections. Research has concluded that douching cleans out good vaginal bacteria, leading to an overpopulation of yeast, which can cause regular infections. 

Does a Yeast Infection Cause Sores or Blisters?

It is generally agreed that the following symptoms are most frequently seen in patients with yeast infections, as per a 2017 study

  • Itching or irritation around the vagina and vulva
  • Burning pain when urinating
  • Discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse
  • Soreness around the vulva and vagina
  • Redness and swelling around the vulva and vagina
  • Abnormal vaginal discharge

A couple of these symptoms are important in the context of this guide. Itching and redness/swelling around the vulva and vagina can definitely lead to sores or blisters. However, it is important to note that this might not be the case for every single patient. Each yeast infection is different, and some may be treated before sores develop. 

Moreover, yeast infections can sometimes exhibit similar symptoms to other diseases. Most notably, if you have sores around your vagina, you may have genital herpes instead of a yeast infection. This is a completely different condition that’s transmitted via sexual contact and caused by the herpes simplex virus

So, if you have sores, don’t immediately assume it is a yeast infection – unless you also exhibit the other symptoms.

What Do Yeast Infection Sores Look Like?

Sores or blisters caused by yeast infection will look very similar to those caused by other conditions – like genital herpes. 

Typically, they will appear as red and swollen lumps or bumps around the vulva or vaginal opening. If they are filled with fluid, they’re likely to be blisters instead of sores. Sores will be very red in appearance and are usually accompanied by a rash. The skin surrounding the sores will look very raw and irritated and it will be uncomfortable to touch. 

Where Are Yeast Infection Sores Located?

These sores are typically located around your vagina or vulva. You may also see them on the skin nearby, such as in the pubic region or on either side of the vulva. In some very rare cases, the sores could spread and cause a rash on your inner thighs. 

What Causes Yeast Infection Sores?

More often than not, yeast infection sores stem from an untreated yeast infection. If you don’t clear the infection, it can spread and get worse. This will lead to a worsening of your symptoms. Instead of having an itchy rash and slight inflammation, you can develop sores, blisters, and lesions. 

Furthermore, sores are also caused by constantly touching or scratching your vaginal area when you have a yeast infection. You are causing more irritation down there, which makes the rash scab over and develop sores. Obviously, the problem is worse if you are scratching the area with unclean hands as you may infect it and generate bad blisters. 

How Do You Heal Yeast Infection Sores?

Thankfully, it is possible to heal yeast infection sores and make a full recovery. Your first port of call is to treat the yeast infection itself. As this is a fungal infection, the best course of action is to take antifungal pills or use an antifungal cream. Fluconazole is the main antifungal pill used to treat yeast infections, with studies showcasing an efficacy of between 70 and 100%.

Applying a topical treatment in the form of an antifungal cream is also wise if you have sores as this can provide a calming and cooling sensation. Alternatively, some home remedies include 

  • Tea tree oil
  • Conocunt oil
  • Yogurt – while this seems strange, yogurt can be cooling and also contains probiotics to restore vaginal bacteria and counter vaginal yeast

The wrong way to heal yeast infection sores is by applying other creams or gels that are typically used to treat rashes. You are unlikely to see any relief which could cause further complications. Plus, you’re not treating the cause of the issue, which is the yeast infection itself. Focus on clearing this up, and your sores will go away. 

When to See a Doctor?

It is worth consulting a doctor if you have sores or blisters around your vagina/vulva. If the cause is a yeast infection, you have a pretty serious one that needs to be treated right away. Alternatively, your doctor can diagnose the problem, providing you with alternative treatments for different infections/diseases. 

Be aware of the main symptoms of a yeast infection so you can contact your doctor to get a prescription for antifungal cream right away. If you want to make life easier for yourself, book an online doctor visit with DrHouse today. We offer reduced waiting times and prescriptions as needed – no insurance required. 


Can You Get Sores From a Yeast Infection?

You can get sores from a yeast infection if it is left untreated or causes complications. The sores will continue to develop and cause discomfort until you treat the condition. Be sure to contact your doctor right away if you notice sores or blisters on your vulva/vaginal opening. 

How Long Do Yeast Infection Sores Last?

Generally, yeast infection sores will last as long as your yeast infection is untreated. However, if you use antifungal treatments to cure your infection, the sores should go away within one/two weeks. Should they continue to stick around after the rest of your symptoms subside, it’s worth talking to a doctor. They may provide additional topical treatments, or they can run tests to see if the sores are caused by something else – like genital herpes. 

What Do Yeast Infection Sores Feel Like?

Yeast infection sores will feel very uncomfortable and itchy. You’ll have the urge to scratch near your vulva/vagina all the time, which may cause a hot and burning sensation in the area. These sores will also be painful if you keep scratching them and may bleed. 

How Do You Get Rid of Yeast Sores?

The good news is that getting rid of these sores is a lot easier than expected. All you have to do is treat the yeast infection with antifungal medication. Once the infection goes away, the sores will follow. 

Do Yeast Infection Sores Go Away on Their Own?

No, they are unlikely to go away on their own if your yeast infection is still around. The excessive yeast in your vagina will continue to cause inflammation and redness thanks to discharge making contact with your vulva and vaginal opening. 

Do Yeast Sores Hurt?

Yes, yeast sores will hurt, especially if you keep touching or scratching them. When left alone, they’re more likely to present a burning, itchy sensation, rather than pure pain. 

Can a Yeast Infection Cause Blisters?

A yeast infection can cause when left untreated and the area is scratched. Scratching your vulva can break the skin and make blisters form. 

In Conclusion

In conclusion, yeast infections can cause sores or blisters around the vulva/vaginal opening. This happens when the infection is left untreated or is made worse. If you constantly touch the afflicted area and scratch it, you are likely to develop yeast infection sores as well. These sores will not go away by themselves until the yeast infection is treated. Antifungal medication is your best approach, while topical antifungal creams can also soothe itching and encourage the sores to go away faster. 

Sores from a yeast infection are not overly common. Consequently, if you find yourself with some, you should seek medical advice right away. It’s a clear indication that your yeast infection needs to be treated! Likewise, sores in this region of the body can be linked to other conditions – like dermatitis and genital herpes. This is why seeing a doctor is always wise to rule out all other possibilities. 


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