Oregano Oil for UTIs: Everything You Need to Know!

Urinary tract infections cause a burning and itching sensation. Together with running to the bathroom frequently, this infection of the urinary tract between the bladder and kidney quickly becomes uncomfortable.

There are a number of different home remedies that you can use to ease the symptoms of UTIs, such as oregano oil. But how can you use oregano oil for UTI treatment?

Almost 60% of women will have a urinary tract infection once during their lifetime and almost a third of females will suffer from recurring UTIs.

Urinary tract infections are not just common in women. They can also affect men, children, and the elderly.

UTIs can be mild or they can lead to serious health problems, such as kidney infections. That’s why it is essential to treat them as early as possible.

While antibiotics are the common treatment method for UTIs, you can also use natural remedies to clear this bacterial infection.

Oregano oil has powerful antibacterial properties which makes it ideal as a natural antibiotic. In this guide, we take a closer look at how to use oregano oil for treating urinary tract infections.

Table of Contents

What Is Oregano Oil?

Oregano oil is an oil infused with compounds of the oregano plant (Origanum vulgare). Oregano has a great variety of compounds that are considered good for the body.

It has antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties that can help to clear infections throughout our entire system.

Oregano is part of the mint family which also includes other herbs, such as peppermint, thyme, and sage.

While oregano is a popular herbal medicine across the world, there are only a few studies supporting its effectiveness. This is also the reason why oregano oil is not verified by the FDA.

How Does Oregano Oil Work?

Oregano-infused oil contains two important ingredients that are essential for treating UTIs: thymol and carvacrol. These compounds are phenols that can kill bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

Thymol is a common compound used for mouthwash. It is an expectorant which means that it can break up mucus and help you soothe lung infections, such as bronchitis and asthma.

Carvacrol is a popular antibacterial compound that is used across the food industry. It also acts as a food preservative.

Oregano oil contains a good amount of both substances, although it has slightly more carvacrol. This sets it apart from other essential oils making it a potent antibacterial.

In fact, when compared to other herbs and essential oils, oregano oil was found to be the most effective.

But oregano oil also has other compounds that make it an ideal home herbal remedy for UTIs. Another essential ingredient in oregano oil is rosmarinic acid.

This compound has anti-viral, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties that can help your body fight the infection.

Health Benefits of Oregano Oil

Oregano has a variety of health benefits that make it a healthy essential oil for various conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, and urinary tract infections.

Natural Antibiotic

One of the key health benefits of oregano oil is its bacteria-fighting properties. A study performed on mice discovered that essential oil with oregano was nearly as effective as other antibiotic medications.

Lowers Cholesterol

Oregano is a popular cooking herb used in different cuisines across the world. The compounds thymol and carvacrol have been shown to reduce cholesterol in people with high cholesterol levels.


The fresh oregano herb contains a large amount of antioxidants that support your immune system and protect you from free radicals.

Helps treat Yeast Infections

Yeast is a common fungus that can cause infections in the gut, urinary tract, and genitals. One of the most common yeasts around the world is Candida.

The compounds in oregano oil have been shown to fight candida and clear up candida infections.

Improves Gut Health

There is a good reason why many chefs worldwide like using oregano. It doesn’t just taste good in different recipes but it can also benefit your gut.

Oregano can reduce a variety of gastrointestinal conditions, including bloating, gas, pain, gut parasites, and diarrhea. It also protects against leaky gut syndrome.


Studies found that oregano oil’s components can potentially reduce inflammation. However, this has been proven only in mice so far.

Relieves Pain

In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, oregano oil is also considered a mild pain reliever. It has been proven to reduce pain in rats and mice but more research is needed to show the same effect in humans.

May Fight Cancer

Oregano oil’s most abundant compound, carvacrol, stops the growth of cancer cells in the liver, lungs, and breast. A study found that this essential oil also kills these cancerous cells.

Aids Weight Loss

In a study with mice, the carvacrol content in oregano oil helped mice to lose body fat and weight. However, more studies are needed to see if the same benefit also occurs in humans.

Side Effects of Oregano Oil

While there are a few studies related to the effectiveness of oregano oil, it is a good idea to take a cautious approach.

There is little known about the side effects that can occur with oregano oil. Here are some of the most common side effects.

Upset Stomach

Oregano oil is usually safe to take but some people with previous gastrointestinal problems may experience an upset stomach.


Similar to sage and other members of the mint family, oregano produces potent essential oils. These natural oils are so strong that they can burn your mucous membranes if not diluted with a carrier oil.

Vomiting and Diarrhea

Oregano oil can also cause vomiting and diarrhea in some people.

Allergic Reactions

Oregano is a herb, so it can potentially cause allergic reactions, including difficulty breathing, hives, and a skin rash.

Who Should Avoid Taking Oregano Oil?

Oregano oil is very potent, so pregnant women should not use oregano oil for urinary tract infections or other conditions as this could harm the baby.

People who are allergic to oregano or taking lithium also shouldn’t take oregano oil or dried oregano. The same applies to people who are taking blood thinners or medication for diabetes.

How Effective Is Oregano Oil for UTIs?

There are no studies that prove the effectiveness of oregano oil in treating urinary tract infections. However, there are a number of different studies that review this oil’s anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.

Oregano oil isn’t officially recognized as a drug by the FDA which means that it is not usually recommended by doctors.

As the oil of oregano is a natural substance that’s widely available, there is little interest in human studies for this herb.

This is the reason why many studies related to dried or fresh oregano, including oregano extract, come from animal studies or test tube studies.

However, multiple clinical and laboratory studies showed that oregano has strong antibacterial properties that can fight bacterial infections like UTIs.

While the effectiveness of oregano oil has not been proven, this doesn’t mean that it is ineffective.

Herbalists regularly recommend a dose of 500mg of oregano oil four times a day for the treatment of urine infections.

With the lack of research, there is also no clear indication of the side effects of oregano oil, so it is important to be cautious when using this essential oil for UTI treatment.

Can You Use Oregano Oil to Treat a UTI Without Antibiotics?

If you feel that your UTI is not severe enough to warrant antibiotics, then it is possible to use oregano oil as a natural remedy. It is important to note that oregano oil should only be used as a supplement and not as a replacement for antibiotics in cases of serious infection.

It is also important to ensure that the oregano oil you are using has been properly diluted with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, to avoid any irritation or burning sensation.

All-in-all, before you start considering oregano oil for UTI treatment, it is important to consult with your doctor to ensure that it is safe and appropriate for your particular situation.

Oregano Oil Safety Tips

When making and handling oregano oil, there are a few things you need to look out for and keep in mind before you start your oregano oil treatment.

Dilute Pure Oregano Oil

Oregano oil is extremely potent, so you will need to dilute the pure essential oil with a carrier oil, such as olive oil or coconut oil.

This should be one part of oregano oil with two parts of your chosen carrier oil.

Check With Your Doctor or Herbalist

Before you start taking oregano oil for UTI, make sure that you check with your herbalist or doctor. Oregano can interact with antibiotics and other medicines.

You may also want to work with an herbalist or doctor if your symptoms get worse or you notice any other health problems while you are taking the oil.

What Oregano Oil Should You Buy For UTIs?

Similar to other supplements and medicines, oregano oil varies widely in quality. Here are our best tips on what type of oregano oil you should use to clear your urinary infection.

Use Food Grade Oregano Oil

There is a range of different types of oregano oils. You should only use food-grade oregano oil that is safe to consume. Oregano oil used for aromatherapy is not safe to eat.

Oregano Oil With High Carvacrol Levels

Carvacrol in oregano oil is a compound that contains antibacterial properties which are essential for treating urinary tract infections.

That is why it is important to check the carvacrol content of your oregano oil. Generally, your oil should contain between 60% and 80% of carvacrol to be fully effective.

Oregano Oil Low In Thymol

Oregano oil always contains a small amount of thymol. In large doses, thymol can cause neurological conditions, so check your oil for a maximum thymol content of 5%.

Made In The Mediterranean

Oregano is a popular herb across the world but high-quality oregano oil comes from countries in the Mediterranean, including Italy and Greece.

Greek oregano oil contains wild oregano that has been proven to include a good balance of infection-fighting substances. This is also the reason why it is often more expensive.

Sustainable and Organic Oregano Oil

Sustainability is an important consideration when choosing your oregano oil. While oregano grows in abundance, you want to make sure that your oil doesn’t contain any chemicals or pesticides.

Check where your oregano oil comes from and how it is produced. This will also give you a good indication of the quality of the oil.

How Long Should You Take Oregano Oil for a Urinary Tract Infection?

You can mix your diluted oregano oil into your food or take it with some food. Make sure that you take oregano oil for a maximum of two weeks at a time. This will give the UTI enough time to clear.

If you notice that your urinary tract infection is getting worse during the treatment or after, then contact your herbalist or doctor for advice.

Dosage and Concentration of Oregano Oil for UTI

The right dose of oregano oil to treat your urinary infection depends on the strength of your chosen oil. It is best to follow the label on your oil.

Generally, you can take one or two drops every day of oregano oils with 60% carvacrol. You can then increase the dosage (according to the oil’s instructions) to a maximum of 6 drops daily.

It is best to spread the dosage throughout the day because your body can process the oil much easier.

If you want to change the dose or you notice any side effects, then speak to your herbalist.

Make sure that you take the oregano oil for your UTI for a maximum of two weeks to one month. The exact amount of time will depend on the concentration of your oil.

Also, keep in mind that you should drink large amounts of water with your oregano oil. This will flush out the toxins and bacteria.

How to Clear UTI With Oregano Oil?

In order for the oregano oil to be most effective, it is vital that you combine your treatment with some simple lifestyle changes.

Follow a Healthy Diet

The balance of good and bad bacteria in your body depends largely on what you eat. That is why it is so important to consume a variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts, and unprocessed foods.

Avoid Sugar, Alcohol and Caffeine

Caffeine, alcohol, and sugar can all cause inflammation in the body which means that they could irritate your bowels and urinary tract.

You can get the most from your oregano oil UTI treatment if you reduce or fully avoid all three.

Eat Probiotics

Oregano oil doesn’t just kill the bad bacteria in the body but it can also reduce the number of lactobacilli that we need in our gastrointestinal tract.

Make sure that you consume some probiotics, such as milk or yogurt, to add good bacteria to your system.

Drink a Lot of Fluids

Drinking a large amount of healthy fluids, such as water, can help to flush out the bacteria from your body.

Research discovered that a continual flow of fluids throughout the body can also prevent urinary tract infections in the future.

That is why try to drink at least two liters of water every day. You can also have one glass of water with each snack or meal but ensure that you consume a minimum of two liters.

Urinate Regularly

This happens often naturally with a UTI. You will feel the need to urinate frequently and it is important that you follow this urge.

Urinating often will remove the bacteria from your bladder, so it won’t persist and spread any further.

For women who want to prevent recurring UTIs, it is essential that they urinate after sex. This flushes out any bacteria that may have entered the urinary tract.

In addition, holding urine for longer periods of time allows bacteria to multiply which can lead to continual bladder and kidney infections.

Watch Your Hygiene

Women need to be especially careful with their hygiene during and after UTI treatment. Make sure that you keep your intimate areas clean and dry to prevent any bacterial growth.

Wipe from front to back after a bowel movement and wash your hands regularly.

Tight-fitting materials, such as nylon and jeans, can create moisture which could lead to infections. Wear loose-fitting clothes instead to keep dry.

Don’t Use Spermicides and Unlubricated Condoms

Spermicides and unlubricated condoms can cause itching and discomfort during and after UTI treatment.

In addition, research found that sexually active women who regularly use spermicides with a diaphragm are at a high risk of urinary tract infections.

Avoid Tampons

During your treatment, it is best to avoid inserting anything into your vagina, including tampons. This reduces discomfort and the risk of potential further infection.

As an alternative to tampons, you can use either disposable sanitary pads or reusable pads.

Eat Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for our bodies. It makes our urine more acidic which stops E. coli bacteria from growing.

Just a small amount of vitamin C can inhibit bacteria growth and strengthen your immune system. It also improves overall health levels in women and men.

Try Cranberries

If you are suffering from recurring urinary tract infections, then you can try cranberry juice to prevent regular UTIs.

A study found that women who regularly consume cranberry juice over 12 months can reduce their tendency for UTIs significantly.

Just make sure that you only drink cranberry juice that doesn’t contain any artificial sweeteners or refined sugars because this could increase your risk of inflammation.

Eat Garlic

Garlic contains a large amount of allicin which is well-known for its antimicrobial properties. In freshly crushed garlic, allicin helps against a variety of different bacteria, including the main UTI bacteria E. coli.

This makes garlic not just an ideal herb for UTIs but also for yeast infections.


D-mannose is a form of sugar that is similar to glucose. D-mannose powder has been proven to be effective in the prevention of urinary tract infections.

Combine Oregano Oil With Other Herbal Remedies

There are a number of other herbs and herbal medicines that you can use to treat a urinary tract infection. Just keep in mind that their effectiveness can vary according to the potency and quality of the herb.

For example, clove oil has been shown to be antimicrobial, antiviral, and antifungal. This makes it suitable for UTI treatment. You can simply add cloves to your diet or take a clove tincture.

Before you add various herbs to your UTI home treatment, it is best to speak to a herbalist. He or she will be able to advise you on what works for your condition and how much you need to take.

How Can DrHouse Help You?

If you think you might have a UTI or if you are suffering from recurring UTI we can help. Our team of healthcare professionals and experts can provide a comprehensive assessment and treatment plan for your condition.

With us, you can start on-demand online doctor visits whenever you need. Our doctors can provide the necessary prescription medications to help you manage your UTI symptoms, as well as advice and recommendations on preventative measures.

Key Takeaways

Oregano oil for UTI treatment is a natural way to help clear your urinary infection. Just ensure that you drink plenty of fluids and eat a healthy diet, so your body can fully recover from the infection.


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